Lawless Latvia

Lawless Latvia provides information about Latvian crimes that are ignored by the corrupt media and authorities.  Latvia is the offshore banking center for the former Soviet Union, to the detriment of everyone in the world including Latvians and excluding only a few Oligarchs.  The EBRD, EU, IMF, and World Bank are making the problem worse by funding the Oligarchs, fraudulently in the case of the EBRD. Please like or friend us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Some of the information on Lawless Latvia was on dissident website, however the Oligarch-controlled government forced that website offline.

The most outrageous financial crime currently featured on Lawless Latvia was perpetrated by the EBRD and Latvian Finance Ministry.  They conducted a fake sale of Parex Bank stock for the apparent purpose of falsifying the finances of Latvia and defrauding the EU, IMF, and World Bank.

Other crimes include the fact that Alstom and Daimler corporations both paid huge fines to foreign governments for bribery in Latvia, however the people in Latvia who received the bribes are not being prosecuted.  The Latvian media ignores the issue and therefore taxpayers don’t know that Parex Bank was the intermediary for both deals.

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  1. John_christmas April 10, 2012 at 6:33 am - Reply

    Great new website.  Europeans should wake up and shut down the Oligarch banks in Latvia instead of giving billions of euros of tax money to these banks.

  2. Guest July 3, 2012 at 3:52 pm - Reply

    Lawless? Is it really lawless?

    There always are two sides.

    Latvia isn’t any special case. There always is somebody who tries to get some ‘free’ money from other people, in every country. In some countries it is done by governments, companies, some individuals or smaller groups of people. Look fx at insurance companies – you pay for maximum risk , but when shit happens, then you get the minimum. Administration costs of pension foundations paid by everyone are extremely high – don’t they use computers??? Pensions transferred to dead citizens. There are zillions of examples in every country on the Earth.

    • lawlesslatvia July 4, 2012 at 9:18 am - Reply

      Is this a reason why Latvia should not prosecute the politicians who received bribes from Daimler?

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