An email exchange between an anti-corruption activist and exiled whistleblower John Christmas has revealed that Edward Lucas, Senior Editor of The Economist, is running a secret campaign to undermine Christmas’ efforts to end the corrupt relationship between the Kremlin and the EBRD.
Christmas has been working for years to get a massive criminal conspiracy into the mainstream media. The EBRD, funded by Western taxpayers with a mission of “fostering transparency” in Eastern Europe was caught organizing a multi-billion-euro fraudulent bailout of Parex Bank at the expense of duped Latvian taxpayers. Parex has been linked to Vladimir Putin’s Tambovskaya Mafia. Almost half of the assets of Parex mysteriously disappeared in 2008/2009 and the Latvian government has been running a disinformation campaign together with the EBRD to blame the “United States” and “Sweden.” Lucas has been an important part of this disinformation campaign, praising Valdis Dombrovskis who signed the fraudulent cover-up as Latvian prime minister and then was promoted to important responsibilities at the European Commission level for protecting the integrity of the Euro.
The activist wrote to Christmas that she was considering nominating him for a prize from Transparency International because of his long years working in exile to fight Latvia’s money laundering banks. These banks have been actively looting Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, and other countries for many years. However, Lucas convinced her not to nominate Christmas by lying that he investigated Christmas’ accusations and discovered that the accusations weren’t true.
I did contact Edward Lucas about you, but he said that he and all the other major newspapers checked into your story and it didn’t add up. Sorry about that!
It has already been established that the Parex bailout was a cover-up fraud. The Latvian government nationalized Parex and then supposedly privatized a stake in Parex by selling it to the EBRD in 2009. The politicians lied to the voters for a few years that they were heroes for rescuing Latvia from the “United States” and “Sweden.” Then, after getting re-elected on this platform of lies, they admitted that the privatization was fake and reversed the privatization in 2014. This has already happened. Anyone can confirm this in a few minutes by looking at government press releases. It is impossible that Lucas or anyone else really “checked into the story” and discovered that the bailout wasn’t fraudulent because it was fraudulent.
And yet Lucas continues to ignore all of the facts and write and tell lies to build a fake hero image for Dombrovskis. There are a lot of people who hate Putin and love Lucas because they perceive Lucas to be against Putin. We encourage all of Lucas’ fans to ask him: if he is against Putin then why is he spreading lies to protect Putin and hurt a whistleblower?
We also received information from another source regarding the ongoing effort of the EBRD to cover-up for Putin with our money.
The new information regards Ukio Bank of Lithuania. We already had information from an anonymous whistleblower that the Ukio/EBRD bailout was a big fraud similar to the Parex/EBRD bailout. Then, Ukio Bank was identified as a money launderer for Putin in the Panama Papers. Now, we can link that racket with Parex as well. Arnis Lagzdins was an employee of Parex from 2004 to 2008 with a function of lying to Western institutions that Parex was a lawful bank. Now we have learned that in 2009, Lagzdins switched to Ukio to perform the same function there. This was at the same time Parex was looted and Putin’s money laundering activities moved from Parex to Ukio for a few years before Ukio was looted also. Coincidence? Lagzdins is now based at the Latvian Embassy in Washington where his job is telling American officials that Latvia is fighting very hard to stop money laundering.
Lucas himself wrote that the EBRD was protecting Kremlin-linked banks to make them appear respectable in his book “The New Cold War” published in 2008. This was true. However soon after that book was published, he started fighting the opposite way to disinform his audience that the EBRD wasn’t doing this. Seems that someone from the EBRD and/or Kremlin must have convinced him to switch sides.
This matter is no joke. Many billions of dollars have been stolen from many millions of victims in many countries and laundered through banks linked with Parex AFTER the EBRD cover-up and this could have been prevented if Lucas had published truthful articles about the Parex crash.
Anyone who wants to read the full email exchanges with the activist and Lucas may request those at